Full Name:Abdur Rehman Shah Department:Political Science and International Relations Subject:International Relations Research Fields:China-Pakistan relations, Belt and Road Initiative,Politics of Pakistan; Deobandi Seminaries Degree Information:Doctor of Law in International Relations (Jilin University, 2018) Contact:rehman@tongji.edu.cn " /> 开云开户-中国科技股份集团


Full Name:Abdur Rehman Shah Department:Political Science and International Relations Subject:International Relations Research Fields:China-Pakistan relations, Belt and Road Initiative,Politics of Pakistan; Deobandi Seminaries Degree Information:Doctor of Law in International Relations (Jilin University, 2018) Contact:rehman@tongji.edu.cn

Work at Tongji

Pre-hired Assistant Professor2023


Honors and Awards

“The most excellent thesis” of PhD in School of International & Public Affairs, Jilin University (2018)

PhD scholarship from Chinese Scholarship Council (2014-2018)



2007-2008: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Law, Gomal University, D. I. Khan, Pakistan

2009-2011: Master of Science in International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan  

2012-2014Master of Philosophy in International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan  

2014-2018Doctor of Law in International Relations, Jilin University, China



Theories of International Relations

International Politics of Asia Pacific

BRI, CPEC and Regional Development

Research Methodology

International Political Economy


Research Publications

1. SSCI Publications

1.    Political Survival through Religious Instrumentalism: Jamiat Ulama-e- Islam Fazlur Rehman’s Resistance to Madrassah Reforms in Pakistan (Co-authored with Afsah Qazi) in Politics and Religion, Vol. 16, Issue 1, pp. 45-72, March 2023.

2.     The Geopolitics of Pakistan’s 2018 Grey-Listing by Financial Action Task Force” in International Journal, Vol. 76, Issue 2, pp. 280-297,May 2021.

3.    India and Pakistan at the Financial Action Task Force: Finding the Middle Ground between Two Competing Perspectives”inAustralian Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 75, Issue 2, pp. 136-141, March 2021.

4.    China’s ‘Belt and Road Initiative’: The Way To Modern Silk Road and the Perils of Over-Dependence”inAsian Survey, Vol. 59, Issue 3, pp. 407-428, May/June 2019.

5.    How Does China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Show the Limitations of China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ Model”in Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp. 378-385, May 2018.

2. Other Publications

6.    Revisiting China Threat: The U.S.’ Securitization of the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’” in Chinese Political Science Review, April 8, 2021.

7.    The Rise of Pashtun Protection Movement (PTM): Polemics and Conspiracy Theories” in Asian Affairs, Vol. 51, Issue 2, pp. 265-285, May 1, 2020.

8.    Understanding the Overarching Trends in Pakistan-China Relations” in The Korea Journal of Chinese Affairs, April 2018.

9.    China’s New Afghan Diplomacy: Awakening from Inertia or Exception to Old Habits” in Fletcher Security Review, Vol. 4, No. 1, Summer 2017.

3. Online (short) Articles and Reports

10.  The Coming of Pakistan-China Entente Cordiale2.0”, inThe Diplomat, September 18, 2018. 

11.  China Watch” (Weekly Reports), Centre for Research and Security Studies, Islamabad, October 2016 — July 2017.

12.  How CPEC Security Will Test the 'All-Weather Friendship' of China and Pakistan” inThe Diplomat,  June 24, 2017.

13.  China’s New Venture in Pakistan Can Be a Game Changer or an Opinion Changer” in The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, February 2017.

14.  China’s Trouble with Pakistan’s Turbulent Democracy” inThe Diplomat, January 7, 2017.

15.  Thinking China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Beyond Pakistan” in South Asia Journal, December 2, 2016.

16.  “Is the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor the 21st Century East India Company” in The Diplomat, November 11, 2016.

3. Journals Reviewer

South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies (SSCI); Geopolitics (SSCI); International Development Planning Review (SSCI); Political Studies Review (SSCI); Journal of Current Chinese Affairs; Journal of Contemporary Asia (SSCI); Energy Strategy Reviews (SSCI); Global Media and China; Journal of Public Affairs.