China’s Peripheral Geopolitics and the Current Situation on the Korean Peninsula -- A lecture by Ambassador Ning Fukui
Time: 2021-08-12

China’s Peripheral Geopolitics and the Current Situation on the Korean Peninsula

-- A lecture by Ambassador Ning Fukui

November 25, 2019

 Hosted by the Institute for China & World Studies and the School of Political Science & International Relations (SPSIR) of Tongji University, the Tongji Serial Lectures on Social Sciences No.19 was successfully held in Conference Room 113, Yifu Building, Siping Campus, Tongji University on November 25, 2019. Ning Fukui, former Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia, Thailand and South Korea, was specially invited to give a lecture on the topic of “China’s Peripheral Geopolitics and the Current Situation on the Korean Peninsula” for teachers and students of Tongji. The lecture was moderated by Tongji Distinguished Professor Men Honghua, President of the Institute for China & World Studies and Dean of SPSIR, and attended by more than 40 teachers and students of SPSIR.

 Ambassador Ning deeply analyzed China’s challenges in Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia, and corresponding strategies to cope with these challenges. He said that China has many neighboring countries, and naturally there are many sensitive points and hotspots. The rise of China has triggered regional changes, and the United States has great penetration and influence in the Asia-Pacific region. Neighboring countries’ perception of China is an important factor in the changes in the surrounding situation, and the US is a key external factor. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China 70 years ago, China has always attached great importance to its neighborly relations because the neighborhood is vital to China’s survival. China has the ability and wisdom to maintain stability in the neighborhood. We must earnestly study and apply the Xi Jinping Thought and Theory on Diplomacy for a New Era, and uphold the principles of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness, in a bid to build a global community of shared future featuring mutual respect and harmonious coexistence.

 The lecture was held in a lively atmosphere. Based on his rich experience in foreign affairs, Ambassador Ning delivered the audience an impressive and informative speech full of profound theory, which won him warm applause. Dean Men expressed his sincere respect to Ambassador Ning’s wonderful lecture. This marvelous speech contained both mature realistic thinking and idealistic goals, and enabled the audience to feel the profound history of the relationship between China and its neighbors. Many of his viewpoints are highly valuable in guiding academic research.